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+A TRANSYLVANIAN FUNERAL/BLACK TORMENT [SPLIT] [Usa/Mexico] - Defiling The Abhorrent Creations  [Thorn Laceration Records]
+ABBADON [Paraguay] - Abismal Destruccion  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+ABERRANTE [Panama] - Sepelio Macabro  [Logica Ciega Prods]
+ABERRANTE [Panama] - Convulsiones Necrologicas  [Pus Records]
+ABERRANTE [Panama] - Control Natal Por Toxicos  [Pus Records]
+ABIGAIL [Japon] - The Best of Black Metal Yakuza  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+ABIGAIL  [Japon] - Alive in France  [Sabbath´s Fire Rec.]
+ABIGAIL/SKYREACH [Japon/Argentina] - The Awakening of Chaos  [Culto Nocturno Productions]
+ABSOLUCION [Bolivia] - Ego Te Absolvo  [Entenebrecer]
+ABSORB [Alemania] - The Call  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+ACID   [Belgica] - Live in Belgium 1984  [Bootleg]
+ACID DEATHTRIP - S/T  [Slava Production]
+ACOASMA/APOPLEXY [SPLIT] [Slovakia] - Golden Era  [Akne Productions]
+ACROSTIC [Chile] - Kids Playing Thrash  [Infernal Overkill Prod.]
+AFFLICTIS LENTAE [Francia] - Chaos Fire Hate  [Maltkross Prods.]
+AGGRESION [Brazil] - Murmúrios Blasfêmicos  [Cauterized Prod.]
+AGONIA [Paraguay] - Mas Alla de la Oscuridad  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+ALCOHOLIC FORCE [Colombia] - Alcohol Of Satan  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+ALCOHOLIC FORCE/LEGACY [SPLIT] [Colombia] - The Speed Metal Chainsaw Massacre  [Heavy Steel Records]
+ALCOHOLIC RITES [Chile] - Alcohol y Violencia  [Metal Blood Prods.]
+ALGOZ PROFANADOR [Brazil] - Vagando Nas Sombras do Caos  [Primitivo Records]
+AMBASSADOR [Argentina] - Insatisfaccion  [Ruidoteka Records]
+AMPUTATOR [Usa] - S/T  [Black Wall Records]
+ANAL VOMIT/CADAVER INCUBADOR [SPLIT] [Peru] - Early Years Of Putrefaction  [Profanador Records]
+ANCIENT AGE [Brazil] - Esquerido Pelo Tempo  [Unholy War Prod.]
+ANGEL CRUSHER/MORBID COMMAND [SPLIT] [Chile] - Spreading The Black Pest  [Antichrist Attack Prods.]
+ANGEL´S DECAY [Slovakia] - Victims of Belief   [Akne Productions]
+ANTEMORTEM [Colombia] - Unholy Mutilator of Christ  [Morbillus Records]
+ANTIKRISTO  [Colombia] - Ritual of Doom  [Morbillus Records]
+ANTROFORCE [Brazil] - S/T  [Rocketz Records]
+AQUER [Chile] - Tyrants Lords Of The Chilean Hell  [Atolinga Records]
+ARBITRATOR [Rusia] - The Killing SSS  [Zombie Records]
+ARIEZ [Alemania] - Ritual Doom  [Ruidoteka Records]
+ARKENSTONE [Portugal] - My Own Blasphemy  [Unholy War Prod.]
+ARMED DEATH/IMPERIUM FLAMES [SPLIT] [Gre/Costa Rica] - In the Flames of the Dark Abyss   [Serpent God Records]
+ARS VENEFICIUM  [Belgica] - The Abyss / Live Recordings  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+ARSENIKAL [Chile] - Venganza de Supremacía  [Independiente]
+ARTHURUS [Bolivia] - Mision del Glorioso Infierno  [Rostrum Metralla/Maxima Destruccion]
+ARTILLEROS 666 [Bolivia] - Demo Ensayo  [Entenebrecer]
+ARTILLEROS 666 [Bolivia] - Orgia Necronuclear 666  [Entenebrecer]
+ARTILLEROS 666 [Bolivia] - Tridente  [Entenebrecer]
+ASESINATO [Chile] - Blasfemia  [Poser Blaster Productions]
+ASSASSIN [Alemania] - Live in Germany 1987  [Bootleg]
+ATTACKER BLOODY AXE [Chile] - Antichristian Metal Axe  [Slava Production]
+AVE LUCIFER  [Brazil] - Profanos Segredos Nocturno  [Tenebrarum Zine/Prod.]
+AXEVYPER [Italia] - Revenge of the Axe!!!   [Rostrum Metralla/Maxima Destruccion]
+BALMOG [España] - The Discipline & Poetry Of Pest  [War Productions]
+BARBARIKVLTT [Chile] - I Kill From The Dark Legions  [Master Of Chaos Prods]
+BARBATOS/BASTARDATOR [LIVE SPLIT] [Japon/Canada] - Live in Montreal  [Evil Spirit Distro]
+BARBATOS/POWER MAD [LIVE SPLIT] [Japon/Italia] - S/T  [Evil Distro]
+BEAST OF HADES [Chile] - Demo  [Independiente]
+BEASTFIRE [Paraguay] - Demo Reh. 2017  [Independiente]
+BELLICUM BESTIALLIS/TENEBROUS INFERNAL ABYSS [SPLIT]  [Brazil] - Negra Comunhao  [Nocturnized Prod.]
+BELLICUM BESTIALLIS/TORMENTO BESTIAL/HOSTIA NEGRA/GOAT INVOCATION [SPLIT] [Brazil] - Profana Congregacao das Legioes do Caos  [Kult Of Blood Rites]
+BESTIAL   [Rusia] - Bestial Control  [Oupiric Productions]
+BESTIAL DEVASTATOR [Alemania] - Out of the Depths  [Desecration of Souls Prod.]
+BESTIAL DEVASTATOR [Alemania] - Merciless Attacker  [Desecration of Souls Prod.]
+BESTIAL INVOCATION  [Usa] - Altar of Impure Holocaust  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+BESTIAL INVOCATION  [Usa] - Priest of Demonical NecroLust  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+BESTIAL MöLESTOR [Brazil] - The Malefic Vomit of Satan  [Infernal Kommando Records]
+BESTIAL TERROR [Paraguay] - Empire of Death  [Cadaver Tape Records]
+BESTIALGOATKULT666 [Brazil] - Bestial Slaughter  [Primitivo Records]
+BETRAYEL  [Usa] - Helpless Souls  [Alcoholic Mosh Prods.]
+BEWITCHER [Usa] - Satanic Panic  [Infernal Kommando Records]
+BLACK ANGEL [Peru] - Torturer Rehearsals  [Worshiper of Satanass Prod.]
+BLACK ANGEL/ETERNAL SACRIFICE [SPLIT] [Peru/Brazil] - Priests From Hell  [Odio y Repulsion Prod.]
+BLACK ANGEL/OCCULT CORPSE [SPLIT] [Peru/España] - Satanic Hell  [Art Pagan Prods]
+BLACK HORDES SCORN [Paraguay] - Live Scorn V-VII-XI  [Destruktor Records]
+BLACK HORNS  [Usa] - The Oath  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+BLACK HORNS/SANCTOPHOBY [SPLIT] [Usa/Lithuania] - Altar of Impure Rituals  [Volcanic Slut Rex]
+BLACK PEST [Chile] - P.E.S.T. XIV  [Slava Production]
+BLACK TORMENT  [Mexico] - Satanic Holocaust  [Torkas Metal]
+BLACK TORMENT  [Mexico] - Tyrants From Hell  [Infernal War Prod]
+BLACK UNIFORMS [Inglaterra] - Splatter Punx On Acid  [Bootleg]
+BLACK VIRGIN [Usa] - Live in Russelsheim 1989  [Maltkross/Ortsid Latem ]
+BLACK VOMIT [Colombia] - Nocturno Poemario Maldito  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+BLACK VUL DESTRUKTOR [Argentina] - Bestial Obscure Metal Kaos  [Black Kaos Descent Prod.]
+BLACK WINDS [Paraguay] - Tombs of Denial  [Desecration of Souls Prod.]
+BLACKSKULL [Brazil] - Face The Blackskull  [Return The Crusher Of Poser Prod.]
+BLADE EDGE [Ecuador] - Witch Spells  [Rocketz Records]
+BLASPHEMATOR  [Chile] - Demo I  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+BLASPHEMATOR  [Chile] - Insulters of the Holly Whore  [Headbangin On The Pentagram]
+BLASPHEMER [Colombia] - Executioner  [Iron Goat Commando]
+BLASTER ARTILLERY/BONEBREAKER [SPLIT] [Ecuador/Brazil] - Split From Sudamerican Hell…!!!  [La Medula Espinal]
+BLOOD OF PERVERSION [Argentina] - Revelacion Proclamacion  [Culto Nocturno Productions]
+BLOOD POLLUTION [Rusia] - Armed You!  [Maltkross/Ortsid Latem ]
+BODE PROFANADOR [Brazil] - O Retorno Do Bode Profanador  [Kult Of Blood Rites]
+BOKLUK [Chile] - Moat Realm  [Cai Cai Vilu]
+BÖMBER  [Chile] - First & Last Demo, FUCK OFF!!  [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+BRUJA MALDITA [Paraguay] - Grito de Metal  [Independiente]
+BULLET  [Suecia] - Speeding in The Night  [Slava Production]
+BUTAMACHO/LAPITACION [SPLIT] [Chile] - Butamacho/Lapidacion  [Ancestral Terror Records]
+CADAVER [Peru] - Congregacion del Terror  [Independiente]
+CADAVER [Peru] - Devotos de la Muerte  [Independiente]
+CADAVER [Peru] - Profana Ceremonia de Sangre  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+CAEDES CRUENTA [Grecia] - Ερείπια ψυχών  [Austral Holocaust Productions]
+CALIBRE.50 [Paraguay] - Legiones de Metal  [Night of Demon Prod]
+CALIGULA [Paraguay] - Profanando el Santo Sepulcro  [Fuck Music Prods.]
+CALIGULA [Paraguay] - Calvario de Cristo  [Vomito de Caos Produciones]
+CALIGULA [Paraguay] - Cristo Clavado en el Madero del Tormento  [Independiente]
+CALIGULA [Paraguay] - Devotion  [Vomito de Caos Produciones]
+CARRASCO [Brazil] - Aurora del Sortilegio  [Return The Crusher Of Poser Prod.]
+CATACOMB [Francia] - In The Maze of Kadath  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+CATACUMBA [Brazil] - Animus Mortis  [Metal Squad Records]
+CAUSTIC [Argentina] - ArroeFire  [Rocketz Records]
+CEIFADOR [Brazil] - Dead and Alcoholized  [Morbillus Records]
+CEIFADOR/IRON GANG [SPLIT] [Brazil/Colombia] - The Razor of Hell is Back From the Dead  [Morbillus Records]
+CEMETERY FOG [Finlandia] - Journey To Hell  [Akne Productions]
+CENTAURUS [Brazil] - Awakening    [Independiente]
+CHAINS OV BELETH [España] - Black Illvmination  [Dark Ritual Prod.]
+CHAINSAW [Chile] - The Announcement  [Proselytism]
+CHAINSAW KILLER [Colombia] - Nemesis of Jesus christ  [Morbillus Records]
+CHAINSAW SLAUGHTER [Paraguay] - Live Slaughter  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+CHEMICIDE [Costa Rica] - Radioactive Annihilation  [Blazing Obscurity]
+COPROFAGO [Argentina] - DEMO 2006  [Fear Brutal Records]
+CORROSION [Bolivia] - Guerra Letal  [Destruction Army Productions]
+COVEN SPELL [Alemania] - Circle of 13  [Ruidoteka Records]
+CREATION OF DESTRUCTION [Suecia] - S/T  [Maltkross Prods./Nuclear Thrash Prod.]
+CREMATOR [Argentina] - S/T  [Under Records]
+CRISTO EM CHAMAS [Brazil] - Concebendo a Atroz Desolacao pelo Primitivo Maleficio Satanico  [Kult Of Blood Rites]
+CROSS ROARR [Colombia] - Philosophy of Death  [Total Desaster Prod.]
+CRUCIFIXION [Inglaterra] - Crucifixion  [Heavy Metal Satan]
+CRUCIFIXION VOMIT [Malasia] - Demo I  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+CRURIFRAGIUM [Usa] - Demo I  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+CRYPT WITCH [Alemania] - Bad Trip Exorcism  [Ruidoteka Records]
+DARKEST FORCE [Chile] - Occult Ritual Black Metal  [The Force Rec./Initiation Rec.]
+DEATH LIVING [Chile] - Rehearsal ´93  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+DEATH SKULL [Chile] - Annihilation of the Pig/Rehersal 2007  [South American Holocaust Distro]
+DEATH SKULL [Chile] - Blessed Altar  [Dog Fight Records]
+DEATH SKULL  [Chile] - Ready To Nail Him Again  [Proselytism]
+DEATH SKULL  [Chile] - Nocturnal Desecrate Rituals  [Death Division Rituals]
+DEATH SQUADRON [España] - Rememberance of Past Atrocities…  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+DEATH´S COLD WIND [Ecuador] - Bestial Penetration  [Morbid Attack Prod.]
+DEATHRONER  [Canada] - S/T  [Tour De Garde Prod.]
+DEATHRONER  [Canada] - Death to All  [Devil´s Blood Prod.]
+DEATHXECUTOR/NECRORIPPER/CALVARIO [LIVE SPLIT] [Chile] - Valparaíso Metal al Rojo Vivo - III Caminos al Infierno  [Ominous Metal]
+DEFORMATOR [Mexico] - Demo MMXIV  [Hypnozzia Recs]
+DEMENTOR [Slovakia] - The Church Dies  [Akne Productions]
+DEMOLISHING [Chile] - Ascension  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+DEMONOS [India] -  From Sacred to Profane  [Dunkelheit Prods]
+DENIM AND LEATHER [Brazil] - Set The Spirit Free  [Slava Production]
+DERANGED [Chile] - Burst Of Violence  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+DERANGED [Chile] - Defacing World  [Zombie Records]
+DESALMATUS [Colombia] - Khaos Aeternvm - Preposterior al ultradimensional  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+DESERT DRUID AND THE ACID CARAVAN [Brazil] - The Vvitch  [Ruidoteka Records]
+DESOLATOR [Usa] - The Bell´s Ninth Chime  [Maltkross Prods.]
+DESOLATOR [Usa] - The Bell´s Ninth Chime  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+DESTROYER ATTACK [Ecuador] - Diabolical Ectopiasm  [Thanatology Productions]
+DEVASTATOR [Usa] - Nuclear Proliferation  [War Productions]
+DEVIL´S POISON [Chile] - Rehearsal MMXIX  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+DEVIL´S POISON [Chile] - Street Metal Attack  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+DIABOLICAL DEMON DIRECTOR [Australia] - The Demo Dungeon 2008 - 2009  [Ortsid Latem]
+DIABOLICAL DEMON DIRECTOR [Australia] - Rehearsal in a Grave  [Independiente]
+DIABOLIKAL [Chile] - Devastacion, Aniquilacion & Destruccion  [Initiation Records]
+DIABOLIKAL [Chile] - Diabolikal Unholy Re-Edition  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+DICTATOR [Chile] - Suffering and Pain!  [Descarga Metalica]
+DICTATOR [Chile] - Destined to Suffer  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+DIESELDORF [Brazil] - Voivöda...Guerreiro!!!  [Independiente]
+DIESELDORF [Brazil] - Voivöda...Guerreiro!!!  [Unholy War Prod.]
+DISFORMES/ESPERMORRAGIA [SPLIT] [Brazil/Argentina] - Sangue Correndo/Culto Grotesco  [Zombie Records]
+DISFORTERROR [Brazil] - Baphogoat Vomitando Fogo e Acido  [Nocturnized Prod.]
+DISFORTERROR [Brazil] - Unholy Attack Of Malefic Kreation… Satan´s March  [Independiente]
+DISFORTERROR [Brazil] - Impalement and Holocaust Stench  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+DISHARMONIC [Chile] - Uncanonization  [No Mercy Reks]
+DISINTER [Peru] - Hell Gate  [Under Metal Prod.]
+DRENCROM [Chile] - Permanent Living Death  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+DRUNK EARTH [Grecia] - Returnable Bottle  [FistBang Records]
+DRUNKARD [Grecia] - Alcoholic Thrash Attack  [FistBang Records]
+DRUNKEN BASTARD [Alemania] - Lidl Masters 2010  [Heavy Steel Records]
+ECUADOR CADAVER  [Ecuador] - Dark Path of Blood and Fire  [Infernal War Prod]
+EJECUTOR [Chile] - Metal Venenoso  [Black Kaos Descent]
+ELIMINATOR/FORNICATION [SPLIT] [Lithuania/Can] - Bomb Raiding Hell Metal  [Volcanic Slut Rex]
+EMBALSAMADO [Brazil] - Natimorto  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+ENVENOMED [Chile] - Total Possession  [Cai Cai Vilu]
+EPIDEMIC [Grecia] - Artificial Peace / EP - 1991  [South American Holocaust Distro - WarFuck Records]
+ERUPTIVE [Paraguay] - Koimeterion  [Repugnant Records]
+ESPIRITISMO [Argentina] - Otros Modos  [Exterminio Prod.]
+ET VERBI SATHANUS/RECRUCIFY [SPLIT] [Chile/Peru] - Impure Flame of Blasphemy  [Nuclear Armagedon/Master of Chaos Prods]
+ETERNAL DEVASTATION  [Brazil] - Beware the Doom  [Maltkross Prods.]
+EVIL [Brazil] - Empunhando a Espada de Ares  [Unholy War Prod.]
+EVIL DEAD  [Eslovakia] - Fall of Seraphs  [Akne Productions]
+EVIL FORCE  [Paraguay] - Massive Attack  [Alcoholic Distro]
+EVIL FORCE  [Paraguay] - Ancient Spores  [Art Pagan Prods]
+EVIL FORCE/UNDER ASSAULT [SPLIT] [Paraguay] - Infierno Guarani  [Peste Sagrada/Cai Cai Vilu]
+EVIL MADNESS [Chile] - Maze of Souls  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+EVIL WHIPLASH [Colombia] - Compilation of Evil  [Total Desaster Prod.]
+EVILCULT [Brazil] - Evil Forces Command  [Inabyssum Prod.]
+EVILIZED [Chile] - Demo 2007 A.B.  [Morbillus Records]
+EVILNESS CHAIN [Chile] - El Maleficio De Las Brujas  [Manto Negro Prod]
+EVOKED CURSE [Suecia] - Merciless Revenge  [Hell War Prod.]
+EXCESSUM  [Suecia] - Death Redemption   [Tour De Garde Prod.]
+EYACULATOR [Ecuador] - The Most Impure Remenbrance Reh. 2020/2021  [Independiente]
+FACETUMOR [Brazil] - Separating Jesus Pieces  [Escuridao Suprema Producoes]
+FERETRUM [Chile] - Que la Matanza Comience + Visiones Diabolicas  [For The Devil Prod.]
+FEVER DOG [Usa] - Alpha Waves  [Ruidoteka Records]
+FLAGELADOR [Brazil] - Assalto da Motosserra  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+FLAGELADOR [Brazil] - Predilecao Pelo Macabro  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+FLAGELADOR [Brazil] - Predilecao Pelo Macabro  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+FORCA MACABRA [Finlandia] - Caveira da Forca  [Maltkross Prods.]
+FORNACE [Italia] - The Awakening  [Independiente]
+FORNACE  [Italia] - The Man Who Wanted Change The World  [Independiente]
+FORNICATION [Canada] - Sewer Dwellers  [Infernal Kommando Records/Sabbath´s Fire Records]
+FREEZING BLOOD [Polonia] - Ritual-Sacrifice For Baal  [Ancestral Terror Records]
+FRONT BEAST [Alemania] - Wicked Wings Of Wartjalka  [Herege Warfare Prod.]
+FUNERATUS [Brazil] - Storm of Vengeance   [Velorium Rec.]
+FUNEREUS [Usa] - Bestial Invocation  [Dark Ritual Prod.]
+FUNEREUS [Usa] - Profane Rite Of Morbid Glorification &  ……Return Of The Old Goat  [Dark Ritual Prod.]
+FURIOUS DOGS [Paraguay] - Vertientes de Metal  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+G.I.S.M [Japon] - Detestation  [Bootleg]
+GLADIADOR [Paraguay] - Album + Demo + Rehearsal  [Peste Sagrada]
+GLADIUS LUCIFERII [Brazil] - Rehearsal 24-11-2019  [Independiente]
+GLADIUS LUCIFERII [Brazil] - Sentinelas Do Fogo Oculto  [Kult Of Blood Rites]
+GLUTTONY [Suecia] - Coffinborn  [Ancestral Terror Records]
+GOAT COMMAND [Chile] - Sanguinaria Matanza  [Headbangin On The Pentagram]
+GOAT INVOCATION [Brazil] - Invocation Of Black Evil  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+GOAT INVOCATION/NECRHORROR [SPLIT] [Brazil] - Unholy Cult and Chanting of Obscene Pleasures/Acorrentado no Subterrâneo  [Necro Noise Cult - Kult of Bloody Rites]
+GOAT MESSIAH [Suecia] - Contemplating Satan´s Goats Triumph  [Goat Kult Productions]
+GOAT SEMEN [Peru] - Nähdään Helvetissä  [Austral Holocaust Productions]
+GOATBAPHOMET [Ecuador] - Ritual Goat Molestor  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+GOATBAPHOMET/IMPURITY [SPLIT] [Ecuador/Brazil] - Sperm Of Leviathan/Noise Vomit  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+GOATOIMPURITY  [Chile] -  Impious Rehearsal  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+GOATOIMPURITY  [Chile] - Triumph of Darkness  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+GODCIDER [Rusia] - Six Bullets For Christianity  [Infernal Kommando Records]
+GORGONA [Brazil] - S/T  [Rocketz Records]
+GRAVE MALEFICE [Chile] - Promo Tape  [Independiente]
+GRAVE THRONE [El Salvador] - Burning the Flesh and Bones of Christ  [Morbillus Records]
+GRAVE THRONE [El Salvador] - Merciless Satan Destructor   [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+GRIM INFERNUS [Indonesia] - Blasphemy And Crush  [Bluespoon Records]
+GROTESQUE CEREMONIUM [Turkya] - Blasphemous Goat Observance  [American Line Prods]
+GUERRA TOTAL  [Colombia] - No Left, No Right, Just Zombies in the Night  [Morbillus Records]
+HADEZ [Peru] - Aquelarre  [Black Kaos Descent]
+HADEZ [Peru] - Altar de Sacrificio  [Evil Damnations Records]
+HATRED [Colombia] - Rehears(met)al of Fucking Hell  [Ortsid Latem ]
+HEIA [Brazil] - Magnum Opus  [Culto Nocturno Productions]
+HEIA [Brazil] - Ritos Nocturnos  [Dead Tapes Production]
+HELEH [Argentina] - S/T  [Alteracion Metal Records]
+HELL ABYSS [Brazil] - Unguent Sabbati  [Primitivo Records]
+HELL MOLESTOR/NIHIL DOMINATION [SPLIT] [Usa] - Onslaught Vengeance of the Goat Fornicator  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+HELL POSSESSION [Chile] - Demo I  [For The Devil Prod.]
+HELL SATAN [Bolivia] - Arde en tu Kruz Nazareno  [Independiente]
+HELL TORMENT/GUERRA TOTAL/PERVERSIFIER [SPLIT]  [Peru/Col/Fra] - Nuklear Metalkoholik Attack  [Devil´s Blood Prod.]
+HELL´S VEINS [Chile] - Eternal Warrior  [Infernal Kommando Records]
+HELLBUTCHER [Chile] - Condemnatus Tormentum  [Independiente]
+HELLEQUIN [Chile] - Terra Apocalypto  [Independiente]
+HELLISH [Chile] - Poison    [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+HELLPACK [Chile] - Alcoholic Noise  [Alcoholic Mosh Prods.]
+HELLRIPPER [Inglaterra] - The Manifestation of Evil  [Ancestral Terror Records]
+HELLSCOURGE [Brazil] - Hell´s Wrath Battalion  [Heavy Steel Records]
+HEPTAMERON [Grecia] - Grand Masters Of The Final Harvest  [Proselytism]
+HEREGE [Brazil] - Live At War Noise Fest I  [Unholy War Prod.]
+HERETIC EXECUTION [Brazil] - Evil And Doom  [Ancestral Terror Records]
+HERPES [Francia] - Awakening Of A Sleeping Madness  [Devil´s Blood Prod.]
+HORDA  [Bolivia] - Mas Alla de la Muerte  [Morbillus Records]
+HORDA  [Chile] - Breviario  [Life Eternal Productions]
+HOSTIA VENENOSA [Brazil] - Sob o Frio Sopro da Morte  [Nocturnized Prod. - Necro Noise Cult]
+HOSTIA VENENOSA/ESCURIDÂO [SPLIT] [Brazil] - Primitivo Ceremonial do Abismo  [Kult Of Blood Rites]
+HRAPP  [Dinamarca] - Wrath of Hrapp  [South American Holocaust Distro]
+HUMAN CREMATION [Paraguay] - Human Decay  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+IMPALED ANGEL [Chile] - Unholy War Against Fucking God  [For The Devil Prod.]
+IMPERADOR BELIAL [Brazil] - Morbid Rites  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+IMPERADOR BELIAL [Brazil] - Curse Of Belial  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+IMPERADOR BELIAL [Brazil] - Morbid Rites  [Unholy War Prod.]
+IMPERIO NOCTURNO [Bolivia] - Opus Tem Ohp Ab  [Morbillus Records]
+IMPERIO NOCTURNO [Bolivia] - 1999-2001  [Morbillus Records]
+IMPIOUS VOMIT [Chile] - …Of Vomit, Death and Impurity  [Odio y Repulsion Prod.]
+IMPURE WORSHIP [Grecia] - EP, Tape  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+IN OBSCURITY REVEALED [Mexico] - The Spell Of The Seeker  [Caverna Abismal Records]
+INCINERADOR [Brazil] - Exterminando os Ciclos da Hipocrisia  [Herege Warfare Prod.]
+INCRIMINATED [Finlandia] - Orgy of the Perverted  [Slava Production]
+INDOMITOR [Ecuador] - Death Temple  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+INDOMITOR [Ecuador] - Triumphus Excelsis  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+INDOMITOR/MORS EXCELSIS [SPLIT] [Ecuador] - S/T  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+INFERIS  [Chile] - In the Path of Maligant Spirits  [Maltkross Prods.]
+INFERNAL DOMINION [Usa] - Salvation Through Infinite Suffering  [Terror Blast Prod.]
+INFERNAL GOAT [Italia] - Bestial Passion (Promo 2001)  [Salem 1692 Productions]
+INFERNAL SEIGE [Filipinas] - Grand Massive Desolation  [Unholy War Prod.]
+INFERNAL SLAUGHTER [Chile] - Demo I  [Sentenced To Grave]
+INFERNAL TERRORIST  [Chile] - Advance 2010  [Black Spell Of Destruction]
+INFERNUS SERPEST  [Chile] - Pain & Death  [La Maria Del Tajo]
+INFESTATOR  [Francia] - S/T  [Ortsid Latem]
+INMINENTE [Chile] - Poder Inminente  [No Mercy Reks]
+INQUISITOR  [Portugal] - Iron Preacher  [Herege Warfare Prod.]
+INSANITY [Chile] - Praise to Madness  [Independiente]
+INSANITY [Chile] - Journey To The Blazing End  [Ominous Metal]
+INSULTOR [Paraguay] - Inminente Aniquilacion Cristiana…!!!  [Nihilist Militant Records]
+INSURRECTION [Colombia] - Thrash Brigade!!!  [La Medula Espinal]
+INVERTED [Suecia] - The Shadowland  [Shiver Records/Regress Records]
+INVINSIBLE FORCE  [Chile] - Falsa Cruz del Tormento  [Mushantufe Prod.]
+IRON BASTARD [Brazil] - Commanders of Hell  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+IRON BASTARD [Brazil] - Old School Live Damnation  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+IRON BONES [Chile] - Till The Hammer…  [Analog Kult Records]
+IRON GOAT/ABIGAIL [Bolivia/Japon] - The Goat Samurai Alliance  [Armada Productions]
+IRON GOAT/RAVENDARK´S MONARCHAL CANTICLE [Bolivia/Brazil] - Goat Armada Canticle  [Armada Productions]
+IRON SPELL [Chile] - Witching Hour: The Best of Iron Spell  [Total Desaster Prod.]
+KABBALAH [España] - Spectral Ascent  [Ruidoteka Records]
+KADAVRO [Argentina] - Evil Entities From The Hidden Past  [Evil Damnations Records]
+KAOSOPHIA [Ukrania] - Towards The End  [From The Dark Past Records]
+KARIMLAN [Filipinas] - Bangkam  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+KATARI [Peru] - At Peace  [From Deepest Records]
+KAY PACHA [Peru] - S/T  [Destruction Army Productions]
+KAZIKLU BAY [Brazil] - Contos da Empalacao  [Nocturnized Prod.]
+KHÖLD VALLEY  [Francia] - S/T  [Nuclear Thrash Prod.]
+KHÖLD VALLEY  [Francia] - Frensch  Valley Thrashing Attack  [D.U.K.E]
+KING/MARDEARUM [SPLIT] [Colombia] - Apotheosis A El Maligno  [Hammers Of Hell Prods]
+KOMBATE [Argentina] - No me veran Caer  [Araucaria Ancestral Records]
+KULD [Brazil] - Beyond the Black Spell  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+LAGRIMA SANTA [Bolivia] - Call of the Storm  [Kaori Productions]
+LAPIDA [Ecuador] - Lapida  [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+LAPIDA [Ecuador] - Enemigos Lapidados  [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+LETIFERNO  [Chile] - Carne del Dolor  [Odio y Repulsion Prod.]
+LORD BLASPHEMY [Bolivia] - Supremo del Abismo/Ofrenda-Sacrificio-Gloria a Satanas  [Independiente]
+LORD BLASPHEMY [Bolivia] - Lujuria-Blasfemia-Perversion  [Independiente]
+LORD BLASPHEMY [Bolivia] - Lujuria-Blasfemia-Perversion  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+LORD BLASPHEMY [Bolivia] - The Morbid Pervertion Of The Goat  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+LORD SATAN [Bolivia] - Sangre en el Nombre de Satanas  [Destruction Army Productions]
+LORD SATAN [Bolivia] - Tunica Negra  [Destruction Army Productions]
+LORD SATAN [Bolivia] - Anunciando el Llamado a Satanas  [Worshiper of Satanass Prod.]
+LORD WINTERFROST [Brazil] - Black Church  [Unholy War Prod.]
+LUX ANGUIS [Argentina] - Ophydius Compendium  [Escabiodeth Records]
+LUX NIGRUM [Chile] - Burning The Eternal Return  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+MALEFIC HORDE [Paraguay] - DEMO I  [Night of Demon Prod]
+MALEVENTUM [Colombia] - Rotten & Fucked Bastard  [Infernal Kommando Records]
+MALFAS [Chile] - Carnal Blasphemous War  [For The Devil Prod.]
+MALIGNUM [Peru] - Sacrificio Para el Fuego Eterno  [Eternal Warfare Prods.]
+MANDINGAZO [Chile] - Death Metal Punishment  [Thanatology Productions]
+MANIACO [Chile] - Chilean Death Metal Attack  [Antichrist Attack Prods.]
+MARGINAL [Francia] - S/T  [Maltkross Prods.]
+MARIANA NANNIS [Argentina] - Incantation Of The Souls  [Patala Loka Rituals]
+MARTYRVORE [Usa] - Possesed by Mayhemic Slaughter  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+MASSIVE POWER [Chile] - S/T  [Headbanger Force Productions]
+MASTER OF CRUELTY  [Paraguay] - Occult Loud Blast  [Southern Hellish Prod.]
+MASTURBACION CRISTIANA [Ecuador] - Fornikada por mi Lealtad  [Lux Ferre]
+MAZE OF TORMENT/TREPANACION [SPLIT] [Bolivia/Chile] - Muerte, Ruido & Depravacion  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+MEPHISTO  [Italia] - Too Loud for the Hell  [Independiente]
+MEPHISTOPHELES [Brazil] - Diabolical Cult  [Independiente]
+MERCILLESS/BLOOD STONE/TORTURA [SPLIT] [Bra/Sing/Mex] - Join the Thrash Army!  [Nuclear Thrash Prod.]
+METAL ATTACK [Bolivia] - Storm of Shadows  [Fuck Music Prods.]
+METAL DEATH/VOMITO NEGRO [LIVE SPLIT] [Chile] - Live at Oscurico  [Independiente]
+METAL GENOCIDE [Chile] - Send the Poser's to Hell  [Morbillus Records]
+METAL KING  [Colombia] - The Blood of a Living Past  [Maxima Destruccion]
+METALUCIFER [Japon] - Heavy Metal Hunter  [Subterraneo Rec.]
+METAPHYSIS  [Chile] - The Dark Daw   [The Force Rec./Initiation Rec.]
+METAPHYSIS  [Chile] - Reh. 2009  [Independiente]
+MIASMA [Austria] - Changes  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+MILITIA OF DEATH  [Chile] - Ready to Destroy and Kill  [The Force Records]
+MILITIA OF DEATH/OCTAGRAM [SPLIT]  [Chile] - Beyond Intolerance & Silence  [The Force Rec./Initiation Rec.]
+MOHAN [Argentina] - Hordas del Sur  [Culto Nocturno Productions]
+MORAST [Luxemburgo] - Dead Out From Graves  [Dunkelheit Prods]
+MORBID FLESH [España] - Dying Lapidation  [Blazing Obscurity]
+MORBID FUNERAL [Costa Rica] - Dead I Am  [Slava Production]
+MORBID HOLOCAUST  [Chile] - Demo MMXI  [For The Devil Prod.]
+MORBID HOLOCAUST  [Chile] - Metanoien  [No Mercy Reks]
+MORBID HOLOCAUST  [Chile] - Holocaustic Morbid Compilation  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+MORBID PERVERSION [Brazil] - Rites Of Lust And Blasphemy  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+MORBID PERVERSION [Brazil] - Infamous Dogmas of Sacrifice  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+MORBID STENCH [Internacional] - Doom & Putrefaction  [El Conjuro Records]
+MORBOSATAN [Peru] - S/T  [Destruktor Records]
+MORDGRIM  [Suecia] - Flesh and the Devil  [Kulto Al Metal Prod.]
+MORGON [Alemania] - Black Light Of Liberation  [From The Dark Past Records]
+MORGORIO [Bolivia] - Vida de Muertos  [Under Records]
+MORTANDAD [Chile] - Demo I  [Peste Sagrada/Cai Cai Vilu]
+MORTTICIA [Brazil] - A Light in the Black  [Rocketz Records]
+MOSHINGUN [Chile] - Mighty Thrashing Metal  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+MOTORIZED [Paraguay] - Land of Chaos  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+MOTORIZED [Paraguay] - Mundo Siniestro  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+MOTORIZED [Paraguay] - Dolor de Nadie…  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+MYSOPHILIA [Usa] - Priestscraft  [Infernal Kommando Records]
+NADIMAC [Suecia] - Manifest Protiv Sudbine  [Zombie Records]
+NAHUAL [Peru] - Covencraft  [Black Kaos Descent]
+NAILS OF ANTICHRIST [Canada] - Demo I  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+NARFARUS [Usa] - At a Time of Misery  [Runenstein Records]
+NECKBREAKER  [Brazil] - The Killing Continues...  [Morbillus Records]
+NECRHORROR [Brazil] - Primitivo Bestial  [Independiente]
+NECRO AXE  [Chile] - Demo II  [The Force Records]
+NECRO MOON [Colombia] - The Rise of the Satan Wolves  [Iron Goat Commando]
+NECROBASTARD  [Chile] - Suicide Resurrection  [Independiente]
+NECROBASTARD  [Chile] - Deadly Mass  [Headbangin On The Pentagram]
+NECROBASTARD  [Chile] - Necro Advance MMXIV  [Gresil Distro]
+NECRODAEMON [Chile] - Decapitando A Los Cerdos Cristianos  [Morbillus Records]
+NECROFAGORE [Peru] - Slow Rotting  [I.B.D.M.]
+NECROFUCKER [Peru] - Demencia Precoz  [Profanador Records]
+NECROFUCKER [Peru] - Necrobestiality Tales  …..Eternal Damnations  [Profanador Records/Blackropolis Rec.]
+NECROMANTIC FORCES [Chile] - Mysanthropic Beast  [No Mercy Reks]
+NECRONOMICON BEAST [Brazil] - Hell Thrash War ´2004 + Decade in War ´2011  [Subterraneo Rec.]
+NECRONOMICON BEAST [Brazil] - Decade in War  [DeathCult Rec. - Diabolous Prod.]
+NECROPSIA [Chile] - Live Desecrations  [Independiente]
+NECRORIPPER [Chile] - Rehearsal From The Grave  [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+NECROSADIK [Mexico] - Tired, Wasted And Totally Fucked  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+NECROSLAUGHTER [Chile] - Promo 2008   [Martillando El Craneo De Cristo]
+NEFARIO [Argentina] - Demo I  [Independiente]
+NEFARIO [Argentina] - Evil Metal  [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+NEGATRON [Filipinas] - Messiah of Damnation  [Hell House 666 Prod.]
+NEKRO CVLT DESECRATION [Venezuela] - Nekrosatani Alcoholocausto  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+NEKRO CVLT DESECRATION [Venezuela] - Nekrosatani Alcoholocausto  [Culto Nocturno Productions]
+NEKROMANTIK RITES [Argentina] - S/T  [Patala Loka Rituals]
+NERLICH [Finlandia] - Innards  [Nihilistic Holocaust Production]
+NERVIAL [Panama] - The War Divine Sampler Tape  [Bluespoon Records]
+NEUROSIS  [Colombia] - Odas en Concierto  [Under Metal Prod.]
+NIHIL DOMINATION  [Ecuador] - Jehovah´s Desecration  [Independiente]
+NIHIL DOMINATION  [Ecuador] - Sado Perverser Goat Insulter  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+NIHIL DOMINATION/ABOMINABLOOD [SPLIT] [Ecu/Argentina] - Two Satanic Conspirations  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+NIRGHAL [Colombia] - Entre Sombras y Blasfemia  [Worshiper of Satanass Prod.]
+NIRGHAL [Colombia] - Evil Force  [Southern Darkness Prod.]
+NOCTURNAL [Alemania] - Havoc Tales  [Iron Fist Kommando Prod]
+NOCTURNAL ABYSS [Suecia/Usa] - From the Depths of Morkvod  [Dark Ritual Prod.]
+NOCTURNED [Brazil] - Cagador Do Inferno  [Maltkross Prods.]
+NOCTURNO   [Paraguay] - Blasphemare Absens Fides  [Desecration of Souls Prod.]
+NUCLEAR ANTICRISTO [Chile] - Unholy Weapons Against Humanity  [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+OBEISANCE [Usa] - Lucifer Master  [DeathCult Rec. - Diabolous Prod.]
+OBEISANCE [Usa] - Unholy, Unwholesome & Evil  [DeathCult Rec. - Diabolous Prod.]
+OBEISANCE [Usa] - Satanik Shoktroops Auf Doom  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+OBSECRATION [Grecia] - Into The Bloodemonium  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+OBSESSED [Brazil] - Back From The South Of Hell  [Primitivo Records]
+OBSESSED [Brazil] - Morning Star  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+OCCISOR [Chile] - Demo 2012 + Rehearsal 2014  [Infernal Overkill Prod.]
+OCULTO [Mexico] - Caos, Cosmos y Cataclismos  [Ruidoteka Records]
+OLD CURSE [Paraguay] - Solve Et Coagula  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+OLD FUNERAL  [Noruega] - Abduction of Limbs  [¿---------?]
+OLD PAGAN  [Alemania] - The Sign of the Battle Dragon  [War Productions]
+OLD THRONE [Brazil] - Eu me Arrasto Para o meu Próprio Abismo  [Viceral Vomit Rec.]
+OMEN/AWICHA [SPLIT]  [Malaysia/Tha] - Sixth Hell of the East V  [Hell House 666 Prod.]
+OMISSION [España] - Thrash Metal is Violence  [War Productions]
+OMISSION  [España] - Angel Fuck   [War Productions]
+OPONENTE [Chile] - Irreversible  [Total Desaster Prod.]
+ORATOR  [Bangladesh] - Live Crematorations  [Eternal Transmigration]
+ORDEAL [Grecia] - S/T  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+ORDER OF DOOM [Ecuador] - Barbaric Goat Temple  [Devil´s Seed Prods]
+ORDINAL NEGRU [Romania] - Poems of a Rooted Blade  [Akne Productions]
+OSCURA DESOLACION [Argentina] - Devocion y Culto  [Kalvario Austral Rec.]
+OSSEOUS [Chile] - Life After Death?..  [Ancestral Terror Records]
+OSSUAIRE [Francia] - Le Troubadour Nécrophageophile  [Nihilistic Holocaust Production]
+OUROBOROS [Francia] - Serpens Mercurialis  [Odio y Repulsion Prod.]
+PAGANFIRE  [Filipinas] - Pagkatay Sa Mapagpanggap  [Hell House 666 Prod.]
+PAGANFIRE/EVIL ATTACK [SPLIT] [Filipinas/Chile] - United By Thrash And Beer II  [Raw Blackult Prod/Kuravilu Prod]
+PAGANFIRE/MODER [SPLIT] [Filipinas/Alemania] - Paganfire-Morder  [Terror Blast Prod.]
+PANZERKAMPFWAGEN  [Chile] - Culto al Terrorismo  [Black Spell Of Destruction]
+PARKCREST [Chile] - Curse The Demo  [Peste Sagrada/Cain Distro]
+PAZUZU [Costa Rica] - Revenant of Blasphemies  [Psychogrind Records]
+PERVERSE MONASTYR [Bulgaria] - S/T  [Holokaostor Productions]
+PHERETRUM [Uruguay] - From the Underworlds  [Southern Hellish Prod.]
+PIMEYDENTUOJA [Finlandia] - Hellcrowned  [Dark Ritual Prod.]
+PLAGUE ANGEL [Suecia] - Stagnation of Christ  [Akne Productions]
+POWER DRIVE [Paraguay] - Algo Arde  [Independiente]
+PREDATOR [Chile] - Demolishing Religion  [La Maria Del Tajo]
+PROFANACION [Argentina] - Brutal Ruido de Mutilacion  [Total Desaster Prod.]
+PROFANER  [Australia] - Baptised in Vomit  [Independiente]
+PURGATORIO [Chile] - Demo 2002  [Peste Sagrada]
+PURIFICATION KOMMANDO [Dinamarca] - Dawn of the Nuclear Holocaust  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+PURIFICATION KOMMANDO [Dinamarca] - Rehearsal at the Nuklear Bunker 27-7-11  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+PVRIFICATOR [Chile] - Toxxxic Rehearsal  [Manto Negro Prod]
+QUIMERA [Bolivia] - Tratado de Alquimia y Destruccion Tomo II  [Under Records]
+QUIMERA  [Bolivia] - Tratado de Alquimia y Destruccion Tomo I  [Independiente]
+RABIES [Filipinas] - Apocalypse Agenda  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+RAVENDARK´S MONARCHAL CANTICLE [Brazil] - Terras Sul-Americanas do Odio  [Trevas Distro]
+RAVENDARK´S MONARCHAL CANTICLE [Brazil] - Sentinelas No Front!  [Diabolous Productions]
+RAVENDARK´S MONARCHAL CANTICLE [Brazil] - Presente! Contundentes e Leais  [Unholy War Prod.]
+RAW ATTACK  [Brazil] - Drunk Rawriders From Hell  [Vampiria Records]
+RECIDIVUS [Brazil] - …Mentes Ressurgidas  [Moondo Records]
+REFFUGO [Brazil] - Christ Agony  [Art Pagan Prods]
+REGRESSIVE/GATEKRASHOR [SPLIT] [Lithuania/Can] - Graveyard Assault  [Volcanic Slut Rex]
+REPUGNANT VOMIT [Paraguay] - Darkness Prevails  [Nihilist Militant Records]
+REPUGNANT VOMIT [Paraguay] - Darkness Prevails  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+REPUGNATORY [Chile] - Destruyo tu cruz  [Unholy Rites Records]
+REPULSIVE EXHUME [Paraguay] - A Necrophilia Forence  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+REPULSIVE EXHUME [Paraguay] - Macabre Spectrum  [Putrid Corpse Records]
+RETALIADOR [Brazil] - Insane Thrash  [Thanatology Productions]
+RETALIADOR [Brazil] - Ultra Violencia  [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+RETROSATAN [Argentina] - Grito Mortal  [Total Desaster Prod.]
+REX AVERNUS [Chile] - Demo I  [Odio y Repulsion Prod.]
+RHGMA & OLETHROS [Grecia] - O Teleutaios Aiwnas/Olethros  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+RIDER [Brazil] - Midnight Line  [Rocketz Records]
+RIPPER [Chile] - Fatal Memories  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+RITO PROFANATORIO [Peru] - Sangre y Gloria del Averno  [Morbid Sounds Prod.]
+RITOS ABOMINAVEIS [Brazil] - Morto e Decomporto  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+RITUAL MORD/MATAR [SPLIT]  [Australia/Fin] - RitualMord/Matar  [Racheschwur Rec.]
+ROTTEN GRAVE [Paraguay] - El Vomito Negro de Satanas  [Nihilist Militant Records]
+ROTTEN MALEFICE [Chile] - En Los Brazos De La Muerte  [Gresil Distro]
+ROTTEN MALEFICE [Chile] - El Patio III  [Independiente]
+ROTTING BLOOD [Colombia] - Que el Metal Vuelva al Infierno  [Morbillus Records]
+ROTTING BLOOD  [Colombia] - Letheo, Nectarius Red  [Morbillus Records]
+RUBBISH MOB [Australia] - Up in The Block Hole  [Graveyard Shift Recs.]
+SABBATICAL RITES [Grecia] - The Destruction  [Slava Production]
+SACRED DARKNESS [Paraguay] - In the Depth of Darkness  [Eternal Death Productions]
+SADOKIST [Finlandia] - Thy Saviour´s Halo, Held by Horns  [Dark Ritual Prod.]
+SADOKIST [Finlandia] - Live in Perkele  [Independiente]
+SADOKIST [Finlandia] - Thy Saviour´s Halo, Held by Horns  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+SADOKULT [Brazil] - Entre Ossos  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+SADOMASO CONTROL  [Brazil] - Corrosive Holocaustic Potestade  [Unholy War Prod.]
+SADOMASO CONTROL/RAVENDARK´S MONARCHAL CANTICLE [SPLIT] [Brazil] - Concilio Ditatorial Toxico Genocida!!!  [Unholy War Prod.]
+SADOPHALLUS/SADOKULT/BLASPHEMANIAC/INFERNAL FLAMES [4WAY SPLIT] [Brazil] - Infernal Kult Sadomaniac  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+SANCTIFYING RITUAL [Alemania] - Carved in Rotten Remains  [Independiente]
+SANCTOPHOBY  [Lithuania] - Ragana  [Nocturnized Prod./Tape Supremacía Rec]
+SANCTOPHOBY/SEX BLASPHEMY [SPLIT]  [Lithuania/USA] - Rape the Mother of God/Perverse Abominations  [Volcanic Slut Rex]
+SARCOFAGO [Brazil] - Desecration of Demos  [Bootleg]
+SARTEGOS [España] - As Fontes Do Negrume  [Caverna Abismal Records/Egg of Nihilism Prod.]
+SATANIC DEATHCULT [Brazil] - Annihilating The Empire Of The Bastard Christ  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+SATANIC DEATHCULT [Brazil] - Black Goat of Satan  [Primitivo Records]
+SATANIC PROPHETS [Brazil] - Odio, Guerra & Supremacía  [Into The Mysteries Org…/Aigan Prod. Distro]
+SAURON [Usa] - Thrash Assault   [Harsh Brutal Cold Prod.]
+SAVAGE ACT [Argentina] - Demo I  [Night of Demon Prod]
+SEAS OF TORMENT [Chile] - The Rotten Wings of Faith  [For The Devil Prod.]
+SEMENTALES SALVAJES [Mexico] - Vol 0  [Ruidoteka Records]
+SEPULCHRAL THRONE [Paraguay] - In Devotion to Black Metal Eternity  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+SEPULCHRAL WHORE [Brazil] - Everlasting Morbid Delights  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+SERPENT COVEN [Brazil] - Covil da Serpente  [Ruidoteka Records]
+SERPIENTE PROFANA [Bolivia] - Hail !!! Serpiente Profana  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+SERPIENTE PROFANA [Bolivia] - El Tirano se ha Manifestado  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+SERPIENTE PROFANA [Bolivia] - Nefasta Veneracion, ha Tomado Posicion  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+SERPIENTE PROFANA [Bolivia] - Infame  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+SERPIENTE PROFANA/HEIA [SPLIT] [Bolivia/Brazil] - Alianca Maligna Glorificando Ao Serpente Do Caos!!!  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+SERPIENTE PROFANA/SUPAY/PROFANADOR [SPLIT] [Bolivia] - Revelacion Evokacion Proclamacion  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+SHAMBLES [Tailandia] - Black Candles Magnetic Doom  [Ancestral Terror Records]
+SHEOL CHRYST [Brazil] - Hereges Rites  [Kult Of Blood Rites]
+SICKNESS [Chile] - Demo Reh. 2005  [Infernal Overkill Prod]
+SINGHASARI  [Malasia] - Kebangkitan Nusantar  [Hell House 666 Prod.]
+SINNERS PATH [Argentina] - Behold The Temple Of Liars  [Disembodied Records]
+SIRROSIS [Chile] - Unholy Thrashing Wrath  [Vomito de Caos Producciones]
+SKULL  [Colombia] - Dead in Peru  [Disturbio Prod.]
+SKULL  [Colombia] - Dead in Peru  [Morbid Attack Prod.]
+SLOVHET [Chile] - Go Fuck Yourself!  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+SLOW DEATH [Polonia] - Deadly Visions  [Demented Omen of Masochism Prod.]
+SLOWLY SUFFERING [Italia] - The Return of Suffering  [Infernal Possession Prod.]
+SPEARHEAD [Inglaterra] - Deathless Steel Command  [Tour De Garde Prod.]
+SPIDKILZ [Italia] - The Ultra Demo  [Cano Metal Rec.]
+SPIKES/MERCILESS ONSLAUGHT [SPLIT] [Chile/Italia] - Merciless Spikes  [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+SPIRITUAL DESECRATION [Argentina] - Decade of Pestilence  [The Desolation Serpent Records]
+SPIRITUAL DESECRATION [Argentina] - The Pain of Creation  [Kalvario Austral Rec.]
+STEELBALLS [Argentina] - The Neverending Fire  [Larkross Records]
+STORM DEATH [Chile] - Ancient Premonitions of the Gods  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+STRANGULIATORIUS [Lithuania] - Demo 2012  [Volcanic Slut Rex]
+SUBLIMINAL NOISE [Chile] - The Extrasensory Perception  [Independiente]
+SUPAY [Bolivia] - Ancestral  [Xerpens reX prods.]
+SUPAY [Ecuador] - Jatun Urku  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+SURRENDER OF DIVINITY [Tailandia] - Manifest Blasphemy: The Abortion of the Immaculate Conception  [South American Holocaust Distro]
+SURVIVAL INSTINCT [Canada] - Demo 2014  [Zombie Records]
+SWAMP [Grecia] - Nuclear Death  [Dog Fight Records]
+SWEET DANGER [Brazil] - Women, Leather and Hell  [Rocketz Records]
+TAPHOS [Dinamarca] - Demo MMXVI  [Independiente]
+TAU [Paraguay] - PROMO 2015  [Independiente]
+TEMPLE DESECRATION [Polonia] - Abhorrent Rites  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+TEMPLUS EXECRATO [Mexico] - S/T  [Hypnozzia Recs]
+TENEBROSIDAD [Chile] - Cruel juego de la conciencia  [Unholy Rites Records]
+TENEBROUS INFERNAL ABYSS [Brazil] - Puro Odio de Satanas no Tenebroso Abismo Infernal  [Nocturnized Prod.]
+TENEBROUS INFERNAL ABYSS [Brazil] - Blood Bath For The Gods  [Nuktemeron Prod./Impaled Rec.]
+TERATOS [Peru] - Road To The Antropophagia  [Zombie Records]
+TERRORAZOR [Alemania] - Samhain Darkness  [Independiente]
+TERRORAZOR [Alemania] - Dead World  [Independiente]
+TERRORAZOR [Alemania] - Watching You Die  [Independiente]
+TETRASKELION [Grecia] - Walking on Heathen Soil   [Sabbath´s Fire Rec.]
+THAURANT [Chile] - Throne of Sacrifice  [Drink Fight And Fuck Prods.]
+THE FORCE [Paraguay] - Old School Metal Onslaught  [Under Records]
+THE RETURN [Usa] - S/T  [Maltkross Prods.]
+THE SATAN´S SCOURGE [Colombia] - S/T  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+THE SONS OF PERDITION [Alemania] - Merciless Metal Of Perdition  [From The Dark Past Records]
+THE WIZARD [Mexico] - The Wizard Demo/Rubber Track Sessions  [Ruidoteka Records]
+THOU SUPREME ART [Brazil] - Sons Of Ayperos  [Impaled Records]
+THRASHERA [Brazil] - Speed Sex ´N´ Roll  [Ortsid Latem]
+THRASHERA/ZEBARGES [SPLIT] [Brazil/Francia] - Tits, Beer and Metal!!  [Ortsid Latem]
+THRASHTORNO  [Peru] - Bañados con Mierda  [Disturbio Prod.]
+THY DOMINION [Uruguay] - Cadaver Idolatry  [Total Desaster Prod.]
+TIGER [Brazil] - S/T  [Rocketz Records]
+TIRANT [Rusia] - Apocalyptic Tales  [Global Thrash Attack]
+TO ARKHAM [Paraguay] - Born To Hate + LivEvil  [Diabolous Productions]
+TOKE DE KEDA [Chile] - Actitud, Kaaos & Metal Punk  [Drink Fight And Fuck Prods.]
+TORMENTO [Chile] - Maldito Heavy Metal  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+TORMENTO   [Chile] - Angel Negro  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+TORMENTO BESTIAL  [Brazil] - Holocausto Do Bode Negro  [Nocturnized Prod.]
+TOTAL DESASTRE [Brazil] - Tropas da Morte  [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+TRAIDOR [Bolivia] - Mitos del Traidor  [Independiente]
+TRANSIENT HATE CONTACT [Italia] - DEMO I  [Evil Distro]
+TREPANACION [Chile] - Libidinosa Profanacion  [Peste Negra Prod.]
+TREPANACION [Chile] - Retrato Obsesivo  [Sentenced To Grave]
+TRIDENTE [Chile] - Mansion del Infierno  [V.I.C Records]
+TUMBA   [Internacional] - Demo(nio) III  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+TUMBA ANCESTRAL [Bolivia] - Q`hana  [Hordas de Sangre 666 Prods.]
+TUNGSTENO [Argentina] - Indestructible Velocidad  [Disturbio Prod.]
+TYRANTS [Peru] - The Return to the Cult of the Iron Witches Hammer  [Destruktor Records]
+TYRANTS/STAKE IMPALEMENT [SPLIT] [Peru/Argentina] - Lucifer's Vengeance Shedding for Blood Elevation  [Destruktor Records]
+TYRANTS/STAKE IMPALEMENT [SPLIT] [Peru/Argentina] - Lucifer's Vengeance Shedding for Blood Elevation  [Destruktor Records]
+TZELMOTH [Colombia] - Apoteosis Maldita Del Adverso Siniestro  [Inabyssum Prod.]
+TZELMOTH [Colombia] - Arcano Lucifer  [Mecctesco Rex]
+TZELMOTH [Colombia] - Ritualizacion I  [Primitivo Records]
+TZELMOTH/BLACK ABYSS/ACTA SANCTORUM [SPLIT] [Varios] - Infernal Void Black Matter Kaos  [Lux Ferre]
+UBERGEHEM [Colombia] - Thrash Hasta el Despenke  [Rostrum Metralla]
+ULTIMATUM [Chile] - Demo 2003  [Drink Fight And Fuck Prods.]
+ULTRAVIOLENCE [Chile] - Destruccion Masiva en Chiloe  [Alcoholic Mosh Prods.]
+UNDER FIRE [Chile] - Words of a Silent Death  [Street Metal Blasphemy Prods]
+UNHOLY ARCHANGEL [Grecia] - Kataclysmic Perversions  [Primitivo Records]
+UNHOLY PENETRATION [Chile] - Black Infection Dissemination  [Independiente]
+UNHOLY TEMPLE/NECROPSIA [SPLIT] [Chile] - Split the Knifes of Death  [Evil Thrasher]
+V.A.   [Varios] - Maltkross Compilation Vol. 1 - 2009  [Maltkross Prods.]
+V.A. (Sakrificer/Witchburner/Execution/Black Skull/Witchtrap/Witchaven...etc.) [Varios] - Curse From The Past   [Alucard Records]
+V.T.A.  [Italia] - Versuvian Thrashing Attack   [Tour De Garde Prod.]
+VARGHEIM [Suecia] - Demo I  [Ancestral Terror Records]
+VAYRON [Francia] - Demo 2022  [Visceral Circuitry Records]
+VENOJECT [Chile] - Crushed By The Wall  [Total Destruction Prod.]
+VENOMOUS BREATH [Chile] - Svb Vmbra Occvltorvm  [Primitivo Records]
+VENUS TORMENT [Chile] - Espiral Infinito  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+VENUS TORMENT [Chile] - Demo II  [Independiente]
+VENUS TORMENT [Chile] - Demo III  [Independiente]
+VENUS TORMENT [Chile] - Darkest Hallucinations  [Subterraneo Rec./Primitivo Records]
+VERDUGO [Chile] - Vomito de Blasfemia  [Independiente]
+VERDUGO  [Chile] - Perversion y Destruccion  [Alcoholic Mosh Prods.]
+VERDUGO  [Chile] - Altar de Rencor  [Hell Productions]
+VINGANCA SUPREMA [Brazil] - Massacre Final  [Rocketz Records]
+VIOLENCE SPREAD [Italia] - Food of the Gods  [Heavy Steel Records]
+VIOLENT [Chile] - Human Genocide  [Kulto Al Metal Prod.]
+VIOLENT ATTACK [Paraguay] - Violent Attack Live  [Kura Vilu Productions]
+VIOLENT ATTACK [Paraguay/Chile] - The Final Massacre  [Independiente]
+VIOLENT ATTACK [Paraguay/Chile] - Demo Rehearsal 2003  [Independiente]
+VIOLENT ATTACK [Paraguay/Chile] - Chainsaw Slaughter  [Independiente]
+VIOLET TEMPLE [Italia] - Ghost of Prague  [Ruidoteka Records]
+VIRGIN KILLER [Colombia] - Poseidos  [Destruction Army Productions]
+VIRGIN KILLER [Colombia] - Rodaran Cabezas  [Destruction Army Productions]
+VIVISECT [Usa] - Barbaric Death  [Nihilistic Holocaust Production]
+VOLKMORT [Brazil] - Battle Desolation  [Art Pagan Prods]
+VOMIT OF DOOM [Argentina] - Fatal Assault  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+VOMIT OF DOOM [Argentina] - Death Thrash Genocide  [Metal Squad Records]
+VOMIT OF DOOM [Argentina] - Southern Black Demon  [Gresil Distro]
+VOMIT OF DOOM [Argentina] - Tormento Delirium  [Sick Rites Records]
+VOMIT OF DOOM [Argentina] - Tormento Delirium  [Satanic Tedeum Distro]
+VOMIT OF DOOM [Argentina] - Obey the Darkness  [The Desolation Serpent Records]
+VOMITO NEGRO [Chile] - Repugnante Devocion  [For The Devil Prod./Alcoholic Death Prod.]
+VULTUR [Italia] - Corona De Frastimus  [Infernal Overkill Prod./Goat Worship]
+VULVACULT [Argentina] - Lapidarias Emanaciones  [Fuck Music Prods.]
+VULVAPEST/RAVENDARK´S MONARCHAL CANTICLE [SPLIT] [Chile/Brazil] - Monarchal Pest   [Atomic Nuclear Desolation Prods.]
+WAR RITUAL [Chile] - Demo Rehearsal I  [Martillando El Craneo De Cristo]
+WARFARE NOISE [Paraguay] - Apocalyptic Throne Of Fire  [Independiente]
+WARFARE NOISE [Paraguay] - Eternal Supremacy Of The Tyrant  [Total Desaster Prod.]
+WARGOAT [Grecia] - Materia Prima  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+WARNAMENT [Macedonia] - Where Home is Found  [Ortsid Latem]
+WARPVOMIT [Usa] - Carnal Sacrifice  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+WARSTRIKE 666 [Usa] - Battalion of Bestial Vengeance  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+WARSTRIKE 666 [Usa] - Satanic Nuclear Domination  [Black Goat Terrorist 666]
+WARTILLERY [Brunei] - Your War Sucks Without Artillery   [Ortsid Latem/Nuclear Gaichal]
+WEREWOLF [Bolivia] - The Satanic Masterplan  [Morbillus Records]
+WITCH OF THE DARK [Panama] - The Witch  [Bluespoon Records]
+WITCHNIGHT/POLTERGEIST [SPLIT] [Argentina/Chile] - Inframundo Austral  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+WITCHPRAYER [Rusia] - From a Human Blood to Eternal Sea  [From The Dark Past Records]
+WOLFHOWL  [Grecia] - The Purity of Mother Nature  [Metal Throne Prod.]
+WOLFLUST [Brazil] - Endless War  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+WOLFLUST [Brazil] - Satanic Megatons  [Vociferos Malditos Producciones]
+XANADOO/BATSTORM [SPLIT]  [Singapur/Tha] - Southeast War Thrashing  [Hell House 666 Prod.]
+XANADOO/VICTIMIZED [SPLIT]  [Singapur/Col] - S/T  [Nuclear Thrash Prod.]
+XERION [España] - Nocturnal Misantropia  [Tour De Garde Prod.]
+YANA RAYMI [Peru] - Ayllu Sañachkan  [Destruction Army Productions]
+YANA RAYMI [Peru] - Ethnic Death Metal  [Destruction Army Productions]
+YDINTUHO [Finlandia] - Demo 2008  [La Medula Espinal]





+WAR RITUAL [Chile] - Demo Rehearsal I  [Martillando El Craneo De Cristo]
+WARFARE NOISE [Paraguay] - Apocalyptic Throne Of Fire  [Independiente/Self Release]
+WARFARE NOISE [Paraguay] - Eternal Supremacy Of The Tyrant  [Total Desaster Prod.
+WARNAMENT [Macedonia] - Where Home is Found  [Ortsid Latem]
+WARTILLERY [Brunei] - Your War Sucks Without Artillery  [Ortsid Latem/Nuclear Gaichal]
WEREWOLF [Bolivia] - The Satanic Masterplan  [Morbillus Records]
+WITCH OF THE DARK [Panama] - The Witch  [Bluespoon Records]

+WITCHNIGHT/POLTERGEIST (SPLIT) [Argentina/Chile] - Inframundo Austral  [Metaltifus Prod.]
+WITCHPRAYER [Rusia] - From a Human Blood to Eternal Sea  [From The Dark Past Records]

+WOLFHOWL [Grecia] - The Purity of Mother Nature  [Metal Throne Productions]
+XANADOO/BATSTORM (SPLIT) [Singapur/Tha] - Southeast War Thrashing  [Hell House 666 Prod.]
+XANADOO/VICTIMIZED [SPLIT] [Singapur/Col] - Xanadoo/Victimized  [Nuclear Thrash Prod.]
+XERION [España] - Nocturnal Misantropia  [Tour De Garde Prod.]

+YANA RAYMI [Peru] - Ayllu Sañachkan  [Destruction Army Productions]
+YANA RAYMI [Peru] - Ethnic Death Metal  [Destruction Army Productions]
+YDINTUHO [Finlandia] - Demo 2008  [La Medula Espinal Records]

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